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Pure Whey Isolate 95 -

Does every calorie in your daily diet matter to you? Do you want to develop a substantial muscular tissue, but without unnecessary fat growth? Are you looking for a protein supplement with a high content of aminoacids? That's easy - the Olimp Sport Nutrition brand is proud to present the Olimp Pure Whey Isolate 95 protein supplement!

The dietary supplement selected by hundreds of amateur and professional sports enthusiasts around the world. All due to the use of the unique Whey Protein Isolate (WPI), which specialists of the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company have acquired through advanced CFM® technology. Due to the innovative microfiltration process, the Olimp Sport Nutrition brand protein presents a high level of denaturation resistance and functional activity, which enables extremely effective support in contributing to a growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

Learn the secret of real professionals and join the elite of sports freaks! Chose the Olimp Pure Whey Isolate 95 - a protein supplement available in five delicious flavors: cherry yoghurt, chocolate, peanut butter, strawberry and vanilla!

By choosing Olimp Pure Whey Isolate 95 you get:

  • High quality Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)
  • Protein supplement with a rich aminoacid profile - contains BCAA and EAA
  • Composition supplemented with valuable vitamins
  • Due to the protein content, contrubution to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass

The manufacturer recommends not to exceed the daily serving that is stated on the packaging. The product cannot be considered a replacement for a balanced diet, but only its additive. Do not forget about a healthy life-style and varied diet